The primary selective—secondary radial system,
as shown in Figure1.1-33, differs from those previously described
in that it employs at least two primary feeder circuits in each load area. It
is designed so that when one primary circuit is out of service, the remaining
feeder or feeders have sufficient capacity to carry the total load. Half of the
transformers are normally connected to each of the two feeders. When a fault occurs
on one of the primary feeders, only half of the load in the building is
Duplex fused switches as shown in Figure 1.1-33 and detailed in Figure 1.1-35 may be utilized for this type of system. Each duplex fused
switch consists of two load break three-pole switches each in their own
separate structure, connected together by bus bars on the load side. Typically,
the load break switch closest to the transformer includes a fuse assembly with
Mechanical and/or key interlocking is furnished
such that both switches cannot be closed at the same time (to prevent parallel
operation) and interlocking such that access to either switch or fuse assembly
cannot be obtained unless both switches are opened.
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Figure 1.1-35. Duplex Fused Switch in Two Structures
One alternate to the duplex switch arrangement,
a non-load break selector switch mechanically interlocked with a load break
fused switch can be used as shown in Figure 1.1-36. The non-load break
selector switch is physically located in the rear of the load break fused
switch, thus only requiring one structure and a lower cost and floor space
savings over the duplex arrangement. The non-load break switch is mechanically interlocked
to prevent its operation unless the load break switch is opened. The main
disadvantage of the selector switch is that conductors from both circuits are terminated
in the same structure.
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Figure 1.1-36. Fused Selector Switch in One Structure
This means limited cable space especially
if double lugs are furnished for each line as shown in Figure 1.1-33.
The downside is that should a faulted primary conductor have to be changed,
both lines would have to be de-energized for safe changing of the faulted
A second alternative is utilizing a threeposition selector switch
internal to the transformer, allowing only one primary feeder to be connected
to the transformer at a time without the need for any interlocking. The
selector switch is rated for load-breaking. If overcurrent protection is also
required, a vacuum fault interrupter (VFI), also internal to the transformer,
may be utilized, reducing floor space.
In Figure 1.1-33 when a primary
feeder fault occurs, the associated feeder breaker opens and the transformers normally
supplied from the faulted feeder are out of service. Then manually, each primary
switch connected to the faulted line must be opened and then the alternate line
primary switch can be closed connecting the transformer to the live feeder,
thus restoring service to all loads. Note that each of the primary circuit
conductors for Feeder A1 and B1 must be sized to handle the sum of the loads
normally connected to both A1 and B1. Similar sizing of Feeders A2 and B2,
etc., is required.
If a fault occurs in one transformer, the associated primary
fuses blow and interrupt the service to just the load served by that
transformer. Service cannot be restored to the loads normally served by the faulted
transformer until the transformer is repaired or replaced.
Cost of the primary
selective—secondary radial system is greater than that of the simple primary
radial system of Figure 1.1-27 because of the additional primary main
breakers, tie breaker, two-sources, increased number of feeder breakers, the
use of primary-duplex or selector switches, and the greater amount of primary
feeder cable required.
The benefits from the reduction in the amount of load
lost when a primary feeder is faulted, plus the quick restoration of service to
all or most of the loads, may more than offset the greater cost.
Having two
sources allows for either manual or automatic transfer of the two primary main
breakers and tie breaker should one of the sources become unavailable.
The primary selective-secondary radial system,
however, may be less costly or more costly than a primary loop—secondary radial
system of Figure 1.1-29 depending on the physical location of the
transformers. It also offers comparable downtime and reliability. The cost of conductors
for the types of systems may vary depending on the location of the transformers
and loads within the facility. The cost differences of the conductors may offset
cost of the primary switching equipment.
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